In class, we've been learning how Twitter could be used in a classroom. I was very skeptical at first. Twitter seemed too wide ranging to me. Compared with social media like Facebook, Twitter has a lot more posts, and seems to zip by at high speed. But we were shown an application called TweetDeck which made it so much better! There, we could follow a conversation, with people using certain hashtags. We did a classroom activity on Twitter as a group, and I noticed one very beneficial result. Students who have a fear of speaking up in front of others were more likely to join in this way! So I thought to myself, "Self (that's what I call myself), what other apps could be out there that are just as interesting?" So it became time to explore! The first link shows four apps that look useful and fun to use. Let me know if you agree :)
YouTube Video
My other concern with using Twitter in a classroom was this; Do the powers that be in school districts and National Education organizations approve such things? Think of it this way.. wouldn't you hate to make up an amazing lesson plan around this concept only to have your principal and administrators turn it down? So I was very interested to see what the National Education Association had to say. Here, read for yourself....
NEA Article
Please feel free to leave comments, good or bad! I can take it, I promise! I hope this shows others (like it showed me), that we're just discovered the top of the Twitter iceberg. There is so much more out there waiting for us!